Mirabilia Festival Report
Mirabilia Festival 2018 Report.
Mirabilia Festival is the largest and most famous festival in Italy, not only for its circus, but also for its music, theater, dance, and workshops.Characteristically, the performances are mainly circus, dance, and theater performances rather than street performances, and are mainly held in theaters or circus tents as venues for ticketed viewing. Therefore, one of the characteristics is that many artists participate in groups or organizations rather than individuals.
Festival venue was held in a city in the province of Cuneo, which belongs to the Piedmont region of the Italian Republic.The eve of the festival was held in FOSSANO, and the main festival was held in BUSCA.どBoth cities are charming and full of history.
The inn in Kyoto where the performers stayed was an old historic church built on a mountaintop overlooking the entire state of Cuneo, where the air was very clean and beautiful.
A photo report follows below.